
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

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Sloan Shower!

We are more than spoiled! The Sloanies threw us a shower to welcome "Baby Chord Life". Once again, we were blown away by everyone's love, support, and excitement to meet the new addition. To top off all the fun company, the food and decorations were adorable! A special Thanks to Alan W. and Morgan for hosting (and to Morgan's Mom, so sad she couldn't make it)! We can't express enough how much it means to have the Sloan Family during this exciting time. We love you ALL! 

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 An intense game of "Name that Celebrity Baby"! Seriously, is there any subject these smarty-pants don't know!

Better than Christmas!!

Dear Baby Chord, herein lies your future. Unless, you become a pro snowboarder, Dad is ok with that too. 
  And the obligatory "silly" picture, which most people interpreted at spirit fingers. Thank you all again!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

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Bump Session 36 Weeks

Baby bump pictures! As, you might have noticed, I have slacked with documenting the bump. It sounds silly, but it just was so crazy how fast my body would change and even faster how my opinion of it would sway. One minute I would love my bump, completely enthralled by my new shape, that someone's tummy can actually even do that, and trying to wrap my head around the idea that OUR BABY, a living breathing mixture of US is cramped in there.  And then for no apparent reason my attitude would shift. I saw my baby-body that seemed to grow everywhere despite the hopes of 'the basketball', the fear that the 'baby weight' won't leave, or possibly even that I needed to put on my big girl pants and realize perhaps I won't ever look the same post-baby. 
I had never wanted to be 'that person' who complained about being pregnant or feeling huge. I had always been so annoyed with those lucky round ladies whom I saw as beautiful, but for some reason they were too silly to see it. On the same hand though I would feel dishonest saying that I have felt beautiful this whole time. I never thought it would be difficult to gain weight, but boy oh boy, it has been hard for me!
Long story short. I am so grateful that I am able to be pregnant and experience the ups and downs that come with it. I am even more grateful that I was able to get my pictures taken (thank you Alexa!) It seems silly to say out loud, but it feels great to feel pretty! Not just have people say it, but to actually feel pretty. That's what these pictures did for me. I love them, and love my baby bump! 

Oh! And it's October. Baby Chord's Birth Month! Can't believe he's almost here!

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